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a warm welcome awaits Live Music Wine And Cheese Quiz Night Afternoon Tea

What we offer

Open Mic

We have started to host our Open Mic nights every other Thursday with Frank Clark. Whether you can sing and play already, or just want a bit of confidence to get up and show us what you’ve got, come on down for a chilled night of Live Music!

Open Mic

As for Functions/Private Hire, due to past experience of letting out such room, we are now only accepting Adult Only functions.

Where do we begin?

There is a guy, we’ll call him Ste. Since the age of 18, he had always wanted to run a Coffee Shop/Bar, through his time at College and University studying Nautical Science, and all times in between, hospitality was his choice of work. From starting at Burger King at 16, to then become a Head Waiter, Head Barman, Assistant Manager and Manager at various establishments, including Chiquitos and Starbucks.

Weeknight offers

Great food, great beer, live music, quiz nights and functions!

Upcoming Events